Tried piano as an adult but got stuck? Months later playing basics with no freedom in sight? That's not what you first imagined when you started playing. You probably dreamed of two hands moving fluidly up and down the keyboard, fully immersed in the music.
While simple tutorials can help you learn notes, they do so without giving you true understanding of how music works. That understanding is the bridge between beginner piano and advanced piano freedom.
The Piano Spark Method™ is developed from 20 years of experience and over 3400+ students. Using best piano practices and neuroscience, we cut through the fluff to get you playing fluidly with both hands fast. Musicality and technical work are emphasized along the way to get students a professional sound even with beginner playing in a positive and supportive environment.
And the best part - even though there's enough new things to explore in piano to enjoy during your life, you don't need years for your first transformation. What takes other methods years, we can get you that first major transformation in 6 to 8 weeks. Playing fluidly, both hands, with freedom.
LEARN MOREI quit piano because it didn't make sense.
As a 5-year-old child, I was captivated by a Baldwin grand piano. I vividly remember seeing the piano up close and knowing I had to play piano. My dad, a local math teacher, traded tutoring for my very first piano lessons. But soon I wanted out!
Cherri S.
"When I started, I could only read the same few songs on my piano app. Now, I can move freely and down the keyboard. I'm now playing for friends, family, and neighbors at our condos clubhouse. Piano brings so much JOY. I understand not just how to play the song I'm on, but how music works inside and out. Amber is positive, encouraging, and helped me improve lightning-fast."
Brandon M.
"Before I mostly played one-handed. In a short time, I played two songs on the piano, with a singer/guitarist and a local performance. I have heard music theory terms tossed around, but I finally learned how to HEAR the music patterns and could do so much more on my own without relying on instruction each time I learned a new song."

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